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how to get back into exercise routine


A woman in athletic gear holds a jump rope, promoting an exercise routine called 'The Comeback Workout.'

Getting back into an exercise routine can be challenging, but with a careful approach, you can safely and effectively resume your fitness journey. Key strategies include starting slow, incorporating dynamic warm-ups, and finding exercises that fit your lifestyle .
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r/xxfitness2 years ago
I haven't consistently gone to the gym since lowckdown, pretty much. A few months of going here and there after, but life has been crazy, and my mental health has had a serious dip. I want to get back to it. My brain needs it, my body aches and needs it. I just have to go, right!
However dumb it sounds, I just find going back, after having been strong, to starting from scratch, to be super fucking hard to reconcile with. It was much easier when I was a beginner. I had nothing to compare with, everything was progress.
I almost feel embarrassed going back to low weights. I'm not sure to whom my embarrassment is aimed at, probably just myself? I've just been procrastinating going, because this mental barrier is getting to me. I don't really understand why I'm thinking or feeling this way. It's really dumb, but I'm struggling to shake it off. I feel like a big failure. Like I said above, I've been going after everything opened up, but the feeling of disappointment just sticks and has been hampering me.
Does anyone kinda relate to that feeling? How did you turn it around?
Edit: thank you all <3 Your replies made me all emotional. It's a relief to know others have felt this way too! It really helped reframe it in a new perspective. Thank you. I got this!

Newbie gains and muscle memory help restart


Enjoy the process, not just results


Focus on small achievable goals


Be kind and patient with yourself


Starting new activities makes it easier

r/xxfitness3 years ago

Getting back into a routine and SO TIRED. Please tell me it gets better.

How do y’all exercise consistently? I want to start working out again.

These videos provide practical guidance for individuals looking to restart their exercise journey after a break:
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8 minutes

How to start exercising when you're unfit




5 years ago

28 minutes

Start Exercising Again | Beginners Seniors Low Impact Walk Cardio Workout | 27 Min | No Jumping!

Paul Eugene

Paul Eugene


2 years ago

5 minutes

Why You Need To Start Exercising Again If You're 60+

Justin Agustin

Justin Agustin


1 month ago

“Start with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming to ease your body back into movement without overexertion.”


Starting Slow and Building Momentum

When returning to exercise after a long break, it's crucial to start with short, manageable sessions and gradually increase the duration and intensity. This approach helps prevent injuries and builds confidence .

Incorporating Dynamic Warm-Ups

Incorporating dynamic warm-ups into your routine can help prepare your muscles for exercise, reducing the risk of injury. These warm-ups mimic the movements you'll be doing during your workout, ensuring a smooth transition .

Finding Exercises That Fit Your Lifestyle

Choosing exercises that fit your lifestyle can make returning to a routine more enjoyable and sustainable. Consider activities like walking, yoga, or bodyweight exercises that can be done at home or in a gym .